Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my affEctiOnaTe CAT! :)

My cat is spoiled rotten and she gives me pretty reliable signs. One of her least endearing habits is to bring me dead mice. Most cats will do this from time to time. When I'm working on my computer with my legs hanging down, she will come and rub against them. Likewise when I'm cooking. She jumps on the bed when I make it up and plays under the covers. She rubs the sides of her head on me the most, because this is where her scent glands are - humans can't detect the smell, but other cats can. She has marked me as hers because she loves me.
When I pick her up, she lies comfortably in my arms and doesn't struggle to get away because she trusts me not to drop her, hurt her or make her stay in an uncomfortable position. When she sits on my lap, she kneads me (always a sign of a very contented cat) and purrs. Any time a cat is purring, it is either very happy or very distressed (cats in shock and females in labour purr to calm themselves down.)
She sleeps in my bed at night, usually under the covers with me, and lies next to me purring. When I pet her, she puts up her head every time my hand comes down and rubs all over it.
I love my cat. And I think she loves me back. :):):)

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